The sun is shining, the weather is sweet...and we might just get an interview after all
Everything just feels better when the sun is shining, doesn't it? Even though the wards seem to smell more than ever, and it's a bit stuffy on the Unit upstairs, and you can't see the X-rays on the screen properly because it's too bright.
The 'review' of the MTAS debacle continues, and the DoH review committee have gone so far as to issue us with this tantalising tidbit (9th March - running behind the times again) :
'The review has identified concerns that some excellent doctors may have been overlooked. The group has recommended all applicants who have not been invited to an interview should be given the opportunity to have their application form reviewed by a trained advisor. This may result in the offer of a first round interview.'
We are still waiting to hear how exactly that is going to work, when we can expect our applications to be reviewed, and what the definition of a 'trained advisor' actually is - it doesn't conjure up the image of a competent Consultant, more that of a trained monkey. But we shall see....
Worryingly though, the final report isn't due out 'til the end of March, which doesn't give them much time to review all the application forms they lost, sorry, fucked up, best to put it? Overlooked? In any case, the second round of applications starts at the end of April, so they have a month to look at the forms again, re-shortlist and interview. I don't think that will work.
The statement (found in full on the MMC website) continues:
'Significant changes will be made to improve selection in the second round. This will include changes to the application form and the scoring system.
'The Department has accepted the need for change and the revised approach will now be tested with junior doctors, selectors, deanery recruitment teams and employers, and agreed with the Medical Royal Colleges, Deans, trainee and consultant representatives and employers before they are introduced.'
I thought they said that the original format of MMC/MTAS was developed with the full support and input of junior doctors and the Royal Colleges? Someone's been telling porky pies.
Some people have been whispering that this review represents a capitulation, that everything will be OK and there's no need to march in protest against MMC on Saturday. No, you fools! This does not get you, or the government, off the hook. It is vital that we do march as planned on Saturday - we must keep the pressure up. I agree, the response and fuss that we have had is more than expected, but we must must must keep pushing. We cannot stand down until the entire mess is sorted out, and one review and a couple of Royal Colleges standing up to MMC do not a revolution make.
So put some scrubs on, daub some paint on a big piece of cloth and get your arses down to London. Saturday 17th March, 1030am at the Royal College of Physicians (Great Portland St tube) - I will see you there.