Layla's space

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You fucking bastards

I am unemployable. I did not get shortlisted for any interviews, despite casting the net as wide as I could, despite applying for a job that I'm already doing, at a level that I am, if anything, slightly overqualified for (I couldn't apply to the next level up as no MRCP yet). Most of my friends will also be jobless come August. We are all very depressed and I burst into tears in the middle of the ward yesterday, which was embarassing. Then I went out last night and got pissed. Now I'm hungover and demoralised. I can't fucking believe it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect various London teaching hospitals to be clamouring to give me a job. I didn't expect to get my 1st choice of hospital or region. But I did expect to get at least one fucking interview, one chance to justify my existence and prove that I am worth employing by actually speaking to my potential employers face to face.

If I were single I would be on a plane to Australia now. As it is, I'm facing the prospect of accepting any bone the MTAS fuckers choose to throw me, be it 'career grade' or 'FTSTA' (AKA Staff Grade, AKA career suicide and contractual wasteland where they can pay you as little as they like and where you get no training whatsoever). I have a feeling this bone will be cast several hundred miles from my beloved's SpR training rotation. I honestly don't know if we can survive another long distance stint (we've done it before but I don't know how long we could manage it for again).

So, MTAS, you stupid jobsworth foolish monkey fuckwits, you educationally subnormal soulless bastards, not only have you effectively sealed the fate of my career and future livelihood, you've also decided the fate of my relationship. My entire fucking life. You cunts.


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